Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Jawaban Essay Pendapatan Nasional

  1. Untuk apa ya pendapatan nasional harus dihitung ?
  2. Bagaimanakah pendapatan perkapita Indonesia ? Coba cari data di internet dan beri penjelasan tentang pendapatmu!
  3. Carilah perbandingan perndapatan perkapita negara-negara di ASEAN (Jangan lupa cantumkan sumbernya), lalu berikan analisanya !
  4. Jelaskan hubungan pendapatan nasional, jumlah penduduk, dan pendapatan per kapita.
1. Untuk mengetahui perkembangan ekonomi di suatu negara
2. ditahun 2011 Pendapatan Perkapita Indonesia mencapai US$ 4,380. Udah bagus sih berada di urutan ke-5, tapi nanti pasti ada saatnya dimana Indonesia bisa membuat beberapa kali lipat Pendapatan perkapitanya dibanding yang sekarang.
3. Ini pas tahun 2010, Indonesia menduduki peringkat-5. Sudah bagus sih, tapi mungkin gara² banyaknya penduduk dan korupsi yang terus menerus yang menyebabkan Indonesia masih di urutan ke-5. Sumber: http://dionacowcow.blogspot.com/2011/03/pendapatan-perkapita-negara-negara.html
Pendapatan Perkapita
US$ 57,238
US$ 47,200
US$ 14,603
US$ 8,643
US$ 4,380
US$ 3,725
US$ 3,123
US$ 2,435
US$ 1,900
US$ 2,086
4. – Kalau pendapatan perkapitanya tinggi berarti pendapatan nasionalnya tinggi, penduduknya rendah
    – Kalau Pend. Perkapitanya rendah bisa jadi penduduknya tinggi, pend. Nasionalnya rendah.

Jumat, 19 April 2013

White pizza with ham and rocket (for 4 persons)

500 grams (1.1 Lbs) of flour
25 grams (1 oz) of brewer's yeast
5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
200 grams (9 oz) leaves of hamRocket
Salt and pepper

preparation:Put the flour in a large bowl, dissolve the yeast in a large glass of warm water and add it to the flour, along with the oil and a pinch of salt. Mix well then knead with your hands, adding a little water or flour if necessary, until the dough become smooth and elastic.
Dust a large container with flour and add the dough in the shape of a ball with a cross-shaped cut on the top to help it rise. Cover with a tea cloth and leave in a warm place for about two hours. The dough is ready when it has doubled its volume.
Take the dough and divide it into four equal parts. Roll out each part with a rolling-pin until you have a disc about 30 cm. in diameter.
Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper and place in preheated oven at 250°C (490°F) for about 10-15 and or until the pasta is sufficiently cooked.
Remove from the oven and cover with rocket leaves, add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and the slices of ham to serve.

Cream of Pumpkin (serves 6)

900 gr (2 Lbs) of pumpkin
2 leeks
1 rib of celery
1 carrot
1 medium potato
1 litre (2 pint) of vegetable broth
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and chilli peppers
Slice the leek into thin ring including the tender part of the green leaves. Put it into a pan to sweat with 2 tablespoons of oil.
Peel the pumpkin and potato and cut them into cubes. Chop the celery and slice the carrot, put them to cook with the leeks for about 30 minutes, adding all the vegetable broth.
When cooked, add salt and put a pinch of chilli pepper, liquidize all together until creamy.
Serve hot with a drizzle of olive oil and croutons toasted in a pan with a little butter.

Tagliatelle with porcini mushrooms (boletus edulis) (4 servings)

350 gr (12 oz) of Tagliatelle
300 gr (11 oz) of porcini mushrooms, fresh or frozen
3 cloves of garlic
mushroom stock cube
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper
Divide the caps from the stems of the fresh mushrooms clean with a wet towel and a knife to remove the parts of the roots, cut into pieces (not too small) and put in a saucepan with the garlic and 4 tablespoons of olive oil.
Cook for about 15 minutes or until cooked, adding mushroom stock if necessary and seasoning with salt and pepper.
Meanwhile in a pot with salted water cook the taglliatelle, drain and add to the still hot sauce and stir gently with a wooden spoon.

Octopus Salad

1 octopus (about 600 grams (1.3 Lbs))
4 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of parsley
White wine vinegar
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and black pepper
Clean the octopus by removing the entrails, the eyes and beak in the center of tentacles and cook in a pot with salted water, 2 cups vinegar, 2 cloves of garlic and 1 tuft of parsley for about 1 hour and until become soft (or in a pressure cooker with little water and with ½ cup of white wine and half the time).
When cooked let cool the octopus in its water, then cut into little pieces, put it in a bowl and season with 2 cloves of garlic and chopped parsley, salt, pepper and oil abundant.
Leave marinate for at least 2 hours.
Can be served cold, but it's even when heated.

Strawberry Mousse (4 servings)

400 gr (14 oz) of strawberries
200 gr (7 oz) of sugar
150 gr (5.5 oz) of water
3 sheets gelatin
300 gr (11 oz) of white natural yoghurt
Clean and wash the strawberries, whisk through a blender and to put aside.
Take the gelatine and leave to soak in warm water.
Dissolve sugar (in 5.5 oz) in water and boil until it begins to thicken and let cool.
Take the pureed of strawberries, the softened gelatin and squeezed, the sugar syrup and the yogurt, then mix well using a whisk, put it into cups and put into fridge for at least 3 to 4 hours and cold serve.

Senin, 15 April 2013

Rapa risotto with saffron and black beans. (serves 4)

Italian food for vegetarians

400 gr (0.9 Lbs) of Arborio rice
2 bunches of turnip leaves (cime di rapa)
100 gr (3.5 oz) of beans blacks
1 shallot
1 litre (2 pint) of vegetable broth
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon saffron
60 grams (2 oz) of smoked bacon italian recipes,
In a pressure cooker, cook the black beans. Meanwhile, finely chop the shallots and lightly sauté in a pan with olive oil. Separate the turnip leaves, wash and chop them coarsely and add immediately to the shallots, season. Add the rice and diced bacon and fry lightly, add a little hot vegetable broth and begin cooking over medium heat.
Halfway through cooking, add the drained black beans and the saffron dissolved in a little broth. Add the rice as soon as it is cooked and mix. Add the parmesan and serve.

Ravioli with butter and sage (4 servings)

For the dough:
400 gr (14 oz) of fine-ground flour
3 eggs
For the mixture:
1 kg of spinach
200 gr (7 oz) of ricotta
40 gr (1.4 oz) of butter
1 little bunch of parsley
2 eggs

for seasoning:
80 gr (2.8 oz) of butter
8 sage leaves
black pepper
Preparation of mixture:
In a pan to coock the previously washed spinach in little water, a pinch salt, then drain, squeeze well until to remove excess water and chop on a cutting board.
Put the spinach in a bowl, add eggs, ricotta, a pinch of salt and nutmeg, then mix well.
preparation of sauce:
In a casseruole over low heat, melt the butter with the sage leaves and a pinch of pepper.
dough preparation:
Put the flour into a bowl and add the eggs, a pinch of salt and mix well with the aid of a spoon, work the dough with the hands for at least 10 minutes, then place on a work surface sprinkled with flour, form a ball and put it to leave stand for 30 minutes.
Roll dough thinly with a rolling-pin, cut the dough into strips of 5 cm. of width and then rectangles of cm.10 (5x10).
With a tablespoon and with the fingers put the mixture with ricotta and spinach, previously prepared, in an adequate quantity on the obtained rectangles, fold as a book and press with your fingers on the sides to seal the mixture inside of pasta.
Arrange the ravioli on a surface strewn with white flour and let rest for about 6 hours.
Cook the ravioli In a pot with salted water for about 5 minutes, then drain it and add them to the sauce warm.
Sprinkle the ravioli with abundant grated Parmesan cheese.

Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

Jawaban Ekonomi Mikro Makro

  1.  studi ini biasanya membahas permasalahan dalam skala kecil seperti menganalisa bagian yang dilakukan oleh unit-unit kecil dari seluruh kegiatan perekonomian.
  2. a.Krisis Subprime mortgage dan Pelemahan US Dollar
    Kenaikan Harga Minyakc.Kenaikan Harga Komoditi Primer
    d.Kenaikan harga bahan Makanan
    Proyeksi menurut Bank Dunia
  3. a.Angola : -karena pendidikan yang rendah
                    -karena tingkat kemiskinan yang tinggi
                    -karena tingkat kesehatannya rendah
    b.Lesotho : - karena Human Develompment Index yang rendah
                      - karena sarana pendidikan yang kurang memadai
                      - karena tidak dapat mengolah bahan mentah di negaranya sendiri
    c.Madagascar : - tingginya pertumbuhan negatif
                            - angka perkapita yang sangat sangat rendah
                            - hampir tidak ada sarana kesehatan
  4. a.Korea Selatan : -pertumbuhan penduduk relatif rendah
                               -persebaran penduduk kebanyakan di kota
                               -angka kelahiran sudah dapat dikontrol
    b.Taiwan           : -angka buta huruf sangat rendah
                               -angka perkapita sangat tinggi
                               -kualitas standar hidup yang sangat tinggi
    c.Belanda          : -kualitas pendidikannya sangat bagus
                               -tingkat kemiskinan yang sangat rendah
    Kegiatan utama penduduknya di bidang nonpertanian, terutama sektor industi ketiga dan keempat.
  5. maju
    Kemajuan ekonomi Cina mulai terlihat sejak negara

    yang semula tertutup tersebut membuka perekonomiannya
    dengan negara lain. Cina mulai membuka diri
    terhadap pihak asing yang akan melakukan investasi di
    Cina. Hal ini terlihat dari meningkatnya sumbangan
    sektor industri terhadap perekonomian Cina. Sektor
    industri menyumbang 53,1% dari pendapatan nasional
    Cina. Kegiatan industri berkembang di berbagai daerah,
    terutama di daerah Beijing hingga Tianjiang, Shenyang,
    dan Nanjiang hingga Shanghai. Perkembangan industri
    di Cina didukung oleh ketersediaan batu bara sebagai
    bahan bakar dan upah tenaga kerja yang murah. Negara
    Tirai Bambu ini menghasilkan mesin bubut, alat-alat
    pertambangan, suku cadang kendaraan bermotor, mesin,
    semen, dan pupuk. Cina juga mengembangkan industri
    perakitan elektronik, seperti komputer dan telepon
    Kegiatan pertanian dan pertambangan
    masih memegang
    peran penting, yaitu menyumbang
    sebesar 14,4% dari pendapatan
    nasionalnya. Kegiatan
    pertanian dikembangkan di
    daerah yang subur, seperti
    lembah Sungai Huang Ho, Chang
    Jiang, dan Xianjiang. Hasil-hasil
    pertanian Cina antara lain padi,
    jagung, gandum, kedelai, kacang,
    sorgum, kapas, dan teh. Cina juga
    kaya bahan tambang. Jenis bahan
    tambang yang dimiliki Cina
    antara lain minyak bumi, gas
    alam, bijih besi, aluminium,
    tembaga, tungstel, dan timbel.
  6. bisa menjdai maju, karena saat ini Indonesia memiliki 240 juta penduduk. Dari jumlah itu, ada sekitar 136 juta orang yang berada pada tingkat ekonomi menengah.Dan Bisa lbh cepat kalau kultur korupsi di Brantas TOTAL tanpa pandang bulu dan timbulnya KESADARAN juga tegantung dari PEMIMPIN NEGARA YG harus TEGAS, JUJUR dan PINTAR .
  7. sudah, karena Trend budaya Indonesia telah berkurang dan ingin punah, karena masyarakat Indonesia lebih senang mengikuti style budaya barat dan dilandasi kemajuan tehnologi dunia.
  8. karena Indonesia mencoba untuk memperbaiki pembangunan dan sistem di Indonesia, tetapi karena pinjaman tidak digunakan sebaik mungkin maka Indonesia tiap tahun memiliki jumlah hutang yang semakin naik dan banyak.

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013


Cara Membuat Takoyaki Sederhana

300 gr tepung tako (kl gak ada terigu + baking powder)
2 butir telur
700 ml air
100 gr sayuran (kol, wortel)
150 gr tako (kl gak ada ganti cumi)
tenkatsu (=tempura scraps)

nori biru
katsuoboshi (toping-nya; berbentuk parutan skipjack tuna)
daun bawang diiris kecil

saus tako

1. Campur semua bahan kecuali tako dan tenkatsu, aduk sampai licin.
2. Panaskan cetakan, olesi minyak, tuang adonan, taburi tako. Sesudah berkulit taburi tenkatsu dan balik -balik sampai membentuk bola dan matang. Lakukan sampai adonan habis
3. Penyajian: Tata tako, oles saos tako, taburi nori, beri mayonaise, taburi katsuoboshi dan daun bawang.
Nikmati hangat-hangat.

Hasil : 60 biji

*Kalo gak punya panggangan takoyaki, katanya sih bisa pake panggangan kue lumpur gitu.. 

credit: http://opiepippo.wordpress.com/2007/12/19/resep-takoyaki/